Thursday, October 17, 2024

Long time, no see!


Close up of Strip and Slash project, a Jackie Robinson DVD.  I am still sewing and even have plans for  teaching a class or two.  This Strip and Slash is finished.  Fortunately I have the DVD,  and even more fortunately, I still have a working DVD player!  This technique is one of my favorites for managing leftovers. (The little white bit is my "ElaineAdair" label, folded inward.)   The blocks finish at less than 4 inches.  

Nobody wants to know ... my camera is limping along, and efforts to purchase a new one are so over-the-top with TMI, and no one has answers to camera questions, everyone insists on phone camera.  Terms like "newer and better UYX14" or "Latest DSLR12" or "faster ratio of xyz to abc" scare my brain into la-la land.   There are NO camera shops where I live, only a Walmart and no one seems interested in selling old-fashioned cameras.  whine, whine, whine.  

Computer shop says "the port on my computer no longer works and we don't repair that" but I AM able to transfer photos using that cord that came with the sometimes-working-camera but cannot use the little disc thingys.  Can you tell I'm not good at technical stuff?  

So, that's where I've been - eating worms and being cranky as well as productive with sewing and quilting. 

And just WHO/WHAT is on my roof?  

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kaleidotato Chips

I couldn't participate in a recent Guild Class called Potato Chips, but from the laughing and giggling that took place, as they pieced their blocks, it was clear that each participant couldn't stop making the inviting blocks.  I've had the same experience making kaleidoscope blocks.  Jes' can't stop with one design!   I was determined to NOT get carried away -- NOPE, I stayed strong and steadfast to the the original plan, ignoring temptations for MORE fabrics, MORE ideas, MORE colors.  "Stick with the plan, Elaine!"  

My goal was to blend 2 very different values into one cohesive block.  Sorta successful use of fabric I had on hand, with blues and peachy-orange.  25 blocks made, 5 x 5, blocks finish at approx. 12 inches.   The corners are consistent throughout, with blue and soft peach making quarter triangles.  One row is  together, trimmed with corners on.  I'll add a border as needed.   All Day Sew meets in another week!  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pineapple in Purple, for REAL, this time - no more complaints, for now

 Computer is home from it's hospital stay - the Photo App had disappeared - how could that have happened?   Plus a few other issues from ME trying to fix things, making a bigger mess.   8-(    It seems that every year, I have to take it for some kind of R & R at the local computer hospital, and get "something" fixed.  Computer physicians are very kind and diplomatic and never say things like "operator error".  

Yes, another Pineapple, Scrappy, and mostly in shades of purple.  Center quilting design was a series of paisleys (I quilt on my DSM).  Just cannot resist Pineapple Quilts, especially when we end up with so many strips.  The binding was completed by machine, with a flange.  One problem is that I had the entire border all nicely quilted with a nice meander and even after one side, I had begun to doubt that decision.  Guess I was on GO and didn't stop until it was DONE -- and it looked terrible!  The quilting itself was quite decent - it just was NOT a good choice  in that border so I removed it all and redid with some simple straight lines -- so much better and simpler.  

Quilt Guld restarts in a few weeks after summer vacation.  This year I'm giving a Trunk Show and also teaching a workshop on the Kaleidoscope ideas.   It's always lovely to get back to that routine. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Pineapple in Purple

 Once again, I am unable to view, transfer, copy, or even FIND my photos.  My camera is  working fine, I have a new camera battery and I've taken photos of latest quilting creations.  However today, my photos won't download from the thumb drive, the method I've used for years and automically and smoothly transferred so nicely.   Nothing happens when I click on Settings/Photos, the method I previously used.  I am so downhearted at this turn of events.  I accidently "found" the photo files on the computer with File Explorer, but all is now so confusing and discombobulated.  Instructions are waaay to complex.  Previous efforts were occasionally usable, but only with "good luck" - not with any special techniques.  The "gallery" that was so clever and usable and stored all my photos must have been an "app" that is gone, or ????   

To whomever has caused all these "improvements", this is not fun any more.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Triple or Quadruple Four Patch?

 A recent finish - while the pieces are small, it went together "quickly", and used up a of pieces and bits of my ever-popular "foresty" fabrics.  The blocks finish at 8 inches.   I'm actually contemplating making another one, with values reversed ... mmm   This is 72 x 90".  

Each block has one background, then 2 lights.  Triple or quadruple 4-patch??? 

Here's the back.  

Photo/gallery issues on my computer  continue.  I have to routinely go into "apps", then "xxxxxx" then delete xxxx in order to see my photos on the computer and to download recent photos from my camera.  Then I shut down, then turn computer back on.  Grrrrr!   Today my new camera battery arrived but I doubt if that will fix the computer issue but it should help the ailing camera.  

Here is the lovely AirB&B in which me and family members recently stayed in Arkansas, completing my late DH's request.  We all felt we hit the jackpot with this lovely home, situated right on the lake. 

Monday, July 01, 2024

Bucket List

Computer issue solved for now, camera issues might be solved, troublesome Security files were deleted, so I am hoping I can write a blog post.  Photos will not load.  8-((( 
One of the LAST of my to-do items on my Bucket List was accomplished during the previous week.  DH had always asked that his ashes be spread in a particular place, so that is what I've been doing.  I kept a certain amount to spread under my Birthday Tree at home in Nebraska.  ( DH had given me that tree 15 years ago, and it stands tall and beautiful. )   I had asked a family member to join me on a long drive to a location between Missouri and Arkansas to satisfy my man's request of years ago.  She not only agreed to join me but made some excellent suggestions to make it a memorable family experience to remember good times as well,  so we expanded the guest list, selected a beautiful  AirB&B, and spent a valuable week together.   We explored, mosied, walked, drove, fished, swam, caved, ate, and cried a little.    

Finding the exact location that DH had requested was not easy because I had misunderstood there is a  difference between a DAM and a CAUSEWAY, and a lot of years gone by meant everything looked different from what I remembered.   Additionally, heavy rains had made some roads impassable, and when finally we were getting close, the road itself was permanently closed off, meaning we had to make some last minute adjustments.  Young people among the group was very understanding of our grief, and respectful of the  occasion.  I could not have managed it by myself and am enormously grateful for this loving assistance.  A special rock was chosen from that special location for me to keep on my home mantle.  DH would be happy that I fulfilled his request.  

We had never traveled together with each other,  I was the old gal who might need some help getting into and out of the huge truck in which we had traveled.  We also stopped more often for my benefit to keep my ole body moving, which slowed down our arrival, but all in all, we traveled well together.  Additionally, my dratted cell phone had some improvements made by people more knowledgeable than I.  I was not sure what emotions I might have about the entire process, but overall, it really made no difference in my heart as he will always be with me.   I am pleased and satisfied we were able to complete his request.