This is the backing for my recent QOV quilt. I feel so thrifty and frugal, using up over 4 yards of decent fabric that did not have a home. These are 10 1/2 in squares. If one wanted to start with FQs, I suppose 8 1/2 inch squares would work better. I skimmed through a LOT of fabric, and ended up with 100 squares in all, so have a start on another backing the next time. This cutting of squares was "a good thing."
I'm still here, moving slowly and carefully - NOT sewing for more than 30 minutes at a time due to pinched nerves, crooked neck, painful shoulder and arm.
But over the weekend, I noticed I actually felt GOOD, a wonderful change to feeling crummy, depressed, 'poor me', wiped out, etc. Dr. says I'm making progress, but if careless, I still have trouble getting dressed without electrifying pain zingers down my arm, or fixing the top of my hair if it takes more than one hand, applying deodorant! LOLOL! And trying to put on a snug winter hat is a joke -- instead of putting a hat on my head, I kinda hold the hat in front of me with my good arm, and DIVE into the hat! LOL This one arm is NOT going over my head, at least not yet, so I leave my elbow tucked snugly into my side.
I also managed to finish a Round Robin block that I cannot show since it's a mystery but my-oh-my - the gals before me really did stunning work! My job was to add a curve.
So gals, if you have a neck ache following any kind of injury, especially for those of us over ??? years, you may want to check it out with an x-ray. I have no idea when this happened to me - probably just a bit every year, over time, but even I, with no medical training, recognized that my neck X-ray indicated something seriously amiss.