Sunday, October 09, 2022

Excuses, 3D Puzzles, Smart TV


I'm still here - just overactive - am feeling darned wonderful, energetic, going in too any directions at one time.  Above is some playtime after picking up a bunch of strips from the Guild Free table.   I laughed when found that many of the strips had a few inches off the ends.  These Kaleidoscope blocks are surprisingly easy.  Selecting similar values is a bit more fussy.  Corners will have HSTs, medium light or medium dark.  Some blocks, while beautiful, were too bright and bold, so were removed.  My goal is 5 x 5, and each strip makes 2 whole blocks at this size.    

A Log Cabin QOV.  I'm MQ'ing dark threads or light.  It's ending up kinda "fussy" for a QOV but will persevere.  Size is 72" x 76"

At Christmas, a friend gave me this 3D puzzle, (note the curve), thinking I needed something to occupy myself.  8-))  Once I determined a system for sorting the numbered and excellently cut pieces, the  assembly went along fairly quickly.  This is an ingenious project and very well made.   

This was my organizing plan, all set up on my sewing work table, with chalk marks to help sort out over 500 pieces.  

My biggest time waster (??) is the dozens of channels now on my  "Smart TV".  When I bought the Smart TV, I had no idea what that meant.  Canceling cable TV saved me a financial chunk every month.  Grand-daughter who works with electronic gadgetry visited and suggested she include me on her "family plan" at no cost to me, so what could I do? - I said "great!"  and she pushed a bunch of buttons, and voila - there it was, overload, but still great fun to learn it's intricasies.