I saw this on the "New Things" rack at my LQS -- My word -- $30.00!!! Wow, who buys these things? This is really too much, all these rulers, new fabrics, more books ??? am I made of money?
... so I bought that ...
and the little yo-yo maker looks intriguing ... and a few more pieces of 30's fabric (is "30" stuck in my head?)

And look at the templates inside that package - aren't they interesting. Even better, when I started using them, that GREEN has a certain irridescence that makes the edges GLOW - here on a wood table, and on a green cutting mat -- and is very easy to see.

... a little bit tedious, finding a middle on the sides, but really not difficult sewing, going slowly and using a pokey thing. I used a pin for the start and the middle, and sewed slowly, using my knee lift a LOT, to keep adjusting. If you try this, I would suggest having a NEW blade. My 45 mm cutter worked just fine but I DID use the smaller one also. Work on the corner of your table so you don't have to move your fabric. Directions included cutting for FQs but I ended up using strips, to be more economical. The finished blocks look a bit 'rough' at this stage.

I'm doing about the same on my "fabric/quilting stuff" diet as I am on a "food" diet.