Honestly, sometimes I think I should have been brought up with Little House on the Prairie! Well, I AM on the prairie, and enjoy my life, but wouldn't our lives be less complicated with LESS! Have you ever studied the varieties and options of laundry detergents? Laundry Detergents take up many shelves in the store, each one with another version of 'latest and greatest', this fragrance, that freshener! And each one is getting more costly than the last. My 32-load Tide is now at $10.00 adding a good chunk to my grocery bill. What I really DETEST is that the marketing folks MAKE us think all this variety is important, and we KNOW that the better products pay for those that are less-profit producing. So, OK, I reached my limit - this is my own way of protesting, and I
MADE MY OWN DETERGENT!!!!! My friend Sue says she's been making hers for years, so I gave it a try.

Sue said their are various recipes, but this is what I did. I'm not giving the recipe, just telling you about what is what.
First, I spent about $10.00 for 1 huge box of Boraxo, 1 huge box of Washing Soda, and 1 bar of Fels Naptha.
I used 1/2 cup Boraxo, 1/2 cup washing soda, and 1/3 bar of Fels Naptha. There are instructions about cooking, mixing, etc., but I'm NOT going to post that yet. You may want to try other recipes, which are on the Internet. It took me about 1/2 hr. to make the whole batch, cooking adding water, etc.
From this I ended up with 1 and 1/4 gallon of detergent. It gelled up after I put it in the milk containers, (I preferred liquid but dry is available) so I need to find another container but ... I used 1/2 cup per load. Today I washed one load of white laundry and it was just perfectly nice. Smelled good, no suds, white, clean, and I didn't use bleach. I DO think it was whiter than bleach - am I imagining?
So, lets figure this out. 16 cups per gallon, and I use 1/2 cup per load, so I get 32 loads from one gallon, and I have MORE than one gallon. OK, I still have 2/3 bar of fells naptha, and a LOT more of the other two products. So, for $10.00 I have 32 loads x 3 = 96 loads per what I spent $10.00 on, and I still have gobs of the two products, so when I need more I'll buy another bar of Fels Naptha.
I had to actually cook it, mix it, and the first time it was fiddly, a little messy, but all the pans washed up nice (no odor). These ingredients are not in every grocery store - I bought mine at a serious, farmy-type coop store.
Additionally, I have a feeling that all the tips on the back of the packages might be just the ticket for other cleaning jobs, thereby eliminating other expensive. projects.
I must admit, I had my doubts, was scared of having something horrible happening to my stuff, but the load turned out just fine. Why not give it a try - there was not too much of an investment!