This dress fabric is beautiful - a quality cotton blue/white gingham fabric - 4 gores, about a size 20 - I snatched it up fast and cut it into fabric parts - Fifty Cents!

Next (below) is a very handsome Tommy Hilfiger shirt, look at the contrasting inner collar, and it appears to be never worn. Fifty Cents!

Next, (below) a shirt with tags attached, original $45.00, marked down to $39.00. I got it for Fifty Cents!

There is also a third plaid cotton shirt, not pictured, as well as a carton (about 10 lbs worth) of usable cotton pieces, some as large as 3 yards. $5.00 bought the carton.
This is the twice a year Rummage Sale. Two of those shirts are too nice and I may not be able to cut them up -- which was my original purpose. In May I am signed up for a John Flynn Arabic Lattice class, and am planning on using plaids -- I have a LOT of plaids!
When I first moved here I was shocked that the church Rummage Sale brought so many people shopping - people who can very well afford nice things. Over time it became apparent that the Rummage Sale, and goodies found, was like the local hot spot! Everyone wants to find something for pennies!
One year I bought 2 quality wool coats, a set of kitchen cannisters, 3 lovely decorator glass pieces of fruit, a wall 4-coat rack hanger, several sweatshirts for DH, can't remember what else,
AND a working sewing machine -- all for $25.00! What a thrill.
Many items are purchased one year, and returned the next year for someone else to purchase. Now, it's one of my favorite events!