Several days ago, we were alerted by the NOAA weather system to be watchful for Flash Flooding. Huh??? We are sitting outside on the deck, NOT in rain, noting how dark the sky was to the north of us, just WISHING for rain, but none landed on our little space. Again, that danged radio went off, 4 or 5 times and we were right in the area of "flash floods". Obviously, the NOAA folks have missed the mark we are thinking!!! We are in a semi-arid climate, and the words "flash floods" sound like a joke to ignorant me. Next day at work, I began to hear horror stories from only 7 miles north of here. Water, washing roads out, calves swept away, 6-10 inches of hail and rain on the road! -- all traffic having to pull over with flashers on. The country road grader was called out to clear the roads from field debris! And we were oblivious of the storm the whole time. Yikes - So we went for a drive the next day to see what we could see. There wasn't much to be seen except for a lot of crud caught in fences in low areas and evidence of much-needed water. This was the beautiful storm sky, the day after. The farmers were very appreciative for the rain, just not so much at one time!!

Here is another Rebuilt Log Cabin I'm starting, but it looks a lot like the previous one I made! LOL The last round of logs on this version were cut wider, to accommodate the extra seam. I'm not sure it makes a difference, but I've wanted to try. I have 50 blocks made up (2 for extra, just in case). These blocks trimmed to 8 1/2 inches and will finish at 8 inches.
I simply MUST get stash used!!! The mess is driving me crazy.