Monday, January 22, 2024

Progress adding borders QAYG

 See that teal and turquoise block?  It's looking like "transparency", an effect I'm liking.  The center blocks were all sewn and machine quilted traditionally, and I actually used a pattern.  Because it's very large and I also had issues with "what machine can I use? (I hadn't purchased the Janome 6700P yet)  so my plan  was to make and quilt the borders separately, and add them QAYG, to eliminate some of the bulk.  It's working quite well.  I set up a large table in the middle of the room, to take some of the weight off my lap when finishing the last seams when hand sewing.  Size is about 88" x 104"  I'll make 2 pillow cases and send it off soon.  May take me another 2-3 weeks for final finishing.  The blocks were so much fun because while they are all almost the same, value alterations from block to block resulted in a myriad of different looks.  

Here is the 3-fabric mitered border, not yet finished.  I'll sew that last bias seam by machine and add a seam binding to cover seam.   

I absolutely find it impossible to use just ONE machine quilting design -- gotta try them all!  LOL