Drat! It must be expected. Last week was warm and balmy, and this morning, we have snow. The moisture is much appreciated, but ...where did fall, uhhh summer go? I wasn’t looking carefully enough, and now, both seasons are gone! It seems I am frequently saying, “I thought I had more time.”

When starting this Blog, I promised I would post something every week, but life kinda got in the way. All my projects seem to be at a standstill, with one pesky problem or another staring me in the face, looking much more difficult than they really are, so I am posting this lovely little quilt I made some time ago. This is a Drunkard’s Path version, made with straight pieces, rather than curves. I keep saying I’m going to do another, only larger ... one of these days. This is from a beautiful book by quilter/author Mary Sue Suit, who just happens to be from our area and in our quilt guild. After looking at her lovely patterns, you can tell she loves geometry.

My label with crooked footprints

You may notice all the ugly underlines that have mysteriously appeared on my blog, and on some others also. I’ve spent too many hours trying to figure how to delete them. From what I can piece together following their unexpected and unwanted appearance, something has changed either in Blogger or Google – I have a feeling it has something to do with CSS – or ‘something Style Sheets.’ Naturally I don’t know what I’m talking about, but that’s as close as I’ve come to solving the mystery. Gosh, I barely learned HTML, and now there’s something else to learn.