After hearing horror stories of quilts stored in black plastic bags and then mistakenly thrown in the trash, I have been purchasing these see-thru bags. I am posting this photo because some of you may not know they exist. They are found in the regular grocery story, in the plastic bags section. They come in 3 sizes - this is the middle size and plenty large enough for 2-3 quilts. Larger is just tooooo large. I think the package of 4 bags is about $6.00. They are extremely durable, and have a handle, and square bottom.

Thanks to all who wondered if I am still alive, and to those who honored me with one compliment, or award, or special notice. There is no way I could choose among all you quilters who have inspired ME, along the way, so if you are reading this, consider yourself one of those clever people who have given ME courage and inspiration!
I've just returned from State Quilt Convention (4 days), and am slowly recovering from all the fun, inspiration, heat, walking, exhaustion, and friendship. As I plopped in DH's Lazy Boy when returning home, I put up my tired legs, and looked at my swollen feet and ankles and wondered who they belonged to -- they were totally unrecognizable!
And I am ashamed to say, I did not take ANY photos! Frankly, I was too busy! Next post I will talk about the wonderful classes I had.
I was honored by being named State Quilt Guild District III Representative. That 2-year commitment starts in January. Thanks to those who have confidence in my abilities.
Next week, I agreed to be a quilt judge at the County Fair. However, after I agreed to judge ONLY THE QUILTS, someone said I would also be judging needlework (huh?), embroidery (what?), ceramics (yikes!). Hey, hope they don't throw hogs and sheep in that mix! Yeeee hahhhhh!