This is the backing for my recent QOV quilt. I feel so thrifty and frugal, using up over 4 yards of decent fabric that did not have a home. These are 10 1/2 in squares. If one wanted to start with FQs, I suppose 8 1/2 inch squares would work better. I skimmed through a LOT of fabric, and ended up with 100 squares in all, so have a start on another backing the next time. This cutting of squares was "a good thing."
I'm still here, moving slowly and carefully - NOT sewing for more than 30 minutes at a time due to pinched nerves, crooked neck, painful shoulder and arm.
But over the weekend, I noticed I actually felt GOOD, a wonderful change to feeling crummy, depressed, 'poor me', wiped out, etc. Dr. says I'm making progress, but if careless, I still have trouble getting dressed without electrifying pain zingers down my arm, or fixing the top of my hair if it takes more than one hand, applying deodorant! LOLOL! And trying to put on a snug winter hat is a joke -- instead of putting a hat on my head, I kinda hold the hat in front of me with my good arm, and DIVE into the hat! LOL This one arm is NOT going over my head, at least not yet, so I leave my elbow tucked snugly into my side.
I also managed to finish a Round Robin block that I cannot show since it's a mystery but my-oh-my - the gals before me really did stunning work! My job was to add a curve.
So gals, if you have a neck ache following any kind of injury, especially for those of us over ??? years, you may want to check it out with an x-ray. I have no idea when this happened to me - probably just a bit every year, over time, but even I, with no medical training, recognized that my neck X-ray indicated something seriously amiss.
Elaine, do be careful. You know, sometimes the "good" limb can get quite "out of whack" from compensating too much for the hurting one. It would be horrible to have TWO "out of whack" arms!
ReplyDeleteSorry you got a nasty message. What's with some people anyway!
Take care.
Such a good feeling, using up stuff for a backing. I know it will look great with that quilt top. Feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteThink that is what I am going to do to use of fabric from my stash. When I had shoulder surgery and couldn't use my good arm (my left) I had my husband put a clothes hanger, the large opening, over the curtain rod in the bathroom. He hung my blow dryer from the hook then I could use the brush or pick to arrange my hair as the blow dryer was running and hanging from the hook. It is amazing what just doens't work when you only have the use of one arm. Hang in there I am sure little by little it will get better.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you have a boo boo. Take it easy and feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteI spent hours making backs today from unloved fat quarters and hunks of fabrics. It's a challenge to piece all those odd sizes together. I think I will cut everything into 12 inch squares next time!!
Glad to hear that you are making progress.
ReplyDeleteElaine, I can sure relate to your arm problems! I'm still dealing with the effects of the broken arm - I'm not having any pain (just some discomfort), but it still doesn't quite work like it should. I can't lift it over my head. I can finally get it behind my back a litte though! So, I'm sympathizing with you. Take it easy and be kind to your body. I hope it gets better soon!
ReplyDeleteGood job on your backing! That takes perserverance!
Glad you're on the mend - do take it slowly and like Lindah said, watch out for that compensation factor (I've been there)! Your backing looks great, it's a terrific way to use your not-so-favorite bits.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you've had this pain to contend with - it can drain you completely. You're keeping your sense of humor though so that's a positive sign. Great idea to use up some fabric that way for backings. I should do the same! blessings, marlene
ReplyDeleteDiving into a hat is quite an image.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you will get some relief soon.
Keep on trying.
p.s. please stop by my blog, as I have given you an award :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, that image of you diving into your hat makes my arm hurt! Hope that it heals soon. Are you doing any physio? As for the crazy post, I finally had to start "approving" the ones on my journal blog. Chinese (which I translated - curious) was porn, and there was lots of "ads" for all sorts of stuff. Thumb screws come to mind!
I'm sorry you are still not feeling well, but glad you are getting better. Making thrifty backing sis great. Do take care of yourself and allow your body to heal. Your Federal Budget Kaleidoscope looks wonderful. It doesn't look out of control to me at all.
ReplyDeleteYou've certainly heightened my awareness with this situation you've been going thru. I'm glad you're moving into recovery mode though. I can sense your jubilation in that. Then I go on to read about your Round Robin and oh I can only imagine what you've done there. Gee wiz I wonder how long we'll have to hold out on that? Don't forget to share when the time is right. And Elaine, thanks for continuing to share your quilt backs. I love them!!!