What can this be? Surely, not a quilt project! I'm trying to get so many different "jobs" done, and have been unsuccessful at checking them off my "to do" list - seems like everything is NOT done, yet these homemade butterhorn rolls are done and delicious!
35 lined all up, like little soldiers.
32 made it to storage - wonder where 3 of them disappeared to???

I am bringing the rolls (not a single burned one!) to dinner with friends. The pot holders will live in her house now.

Seems like Cardio P.T. is taking up so much of my time, at 3 times a week, still continuing for another 2 months. Yes, it's necessary, and a pleasant experience, yet there is no dilly-dallying. Roof issues are almost finished, business issues still are undone, home improvements have come to a halt with winter hanging over, Thanksgiving and Christmas are both "looming" - wish I had a more positive adjective to describe a lovely time of year, my printer won't print which results in numerous projects undone, and I have a "new" phone on the counter, still in it's unopened Fed-X wrapper, staring at me, challenging me to get that project on it's way. Furnace filter ordered, air compressor hardware reconfigured so I can blow out used filters. Oh yes, and I'm planning on learning some cost savings tricks on my "Smart TV" and eventually may even drop my TV/Cable access since the programming is so unrewarding. All overwhelming projects - no time to concentrate on any of them, and very little time spent on quilting. Gotta remember, "One Day at a Time." I'm exhausted.
I miss my man. 8-(((