Wow - trying to find where my photos got downloaded is a new trial!
G'daughter asked me to make her a Hawaiian quilt - a new kind of quilt project, so I found this book of patterns, altho these are not the colors she is wanting, it's a beginning. She lives 6 hours from me, so that's another challenge and she is not familiar with sewing. I'm going to start in June when we have a Guild class for this project, and then I'll make simply one block for a pillow. and see how it goes. The plan calls for needleturn applique but that might tire quickly and I may fall back to fusible applique.
Winter was just plain demanding this year - SHOVELING was repeated too many times and sometimes it was called XXXX SHOVELING! I finished this "I Spy" quilt - it looks a lot like previous ones. This is for a great grandchild, now over 2 years old. Oh dear.
You may remember a quarter log cabin quilt I finished about a year ago, that had strips in it that I learned after it was finished, that they would bleed. Fear kept me from washing it but finally, last weekend I put my big girl panties on and washed it in the washer, gentle, with mild homemade soap, plus a quarter cup of Dawn and 2 color catchers and happily, the quilt washed beautifully, with NO bleeding to be seen. The Color Catchers were only mildly soft pink. (I'm at a loss to find the photos now somewhere on this computer. )
Winter was just plain demanding this year - SHOVELING was repeated too many times and sometimes it was called XXXX SHOVELING! I finished this "I Spy" quilt - it looks a lot like previous ones. This is for a great grandchild, now over 2 years old. Oh dear.
All is well with me - just taking care of everything takes more time and energy than I expected. Plus, I was gifted membership in a multitude of wonderful TV and Internet Channels which have been a terrible temptation! Every quilt video ever made is available! Plus other subjects I never dreamed wouild be so interesting when you see it on the big screen TV. I am weak and sitting too much but can't seem to turn it off!!!
Two quilting friends and I are preparing quilt instruction classes for Adult Ed. This should redirect me and may help more folks learn some quilting techniques.
My sewing machine goes to the repair shop Monday - Machine quilting that is just not "doing". It worked fine on the "I Spy Quilt" that finished 2 days earlier, but today on a Pineapple Quilt, no cooperation at all. Go figure! 8-(