This is the cabinet that slides under my Robert's Sewing Desk - I LOVE it. It's made very well, on wheels and the 3 drawers are just right for a lot of my 'stuff', and I tell you it IS stuffed! The top is good for either a cutting mat or my small ironing board.
For the past year, that bottom drawer has not wanted to close the last 2 inches, so finally I decided it's time to solve that problem. I dragged out all the 'stuff' - I know there is fabric behind the drawer that became squished out of the stuffed drawer. But I can't get behind the drawer, space is too small, drawer doesn't come out, etc,. etc,. The back of the cabinet is there to STAY -- no screws.
OK, a wire coat hanger - they are getting hard to find. But it's too stiff, and didn't catch anything, and I barely could get it back out.
Next great idea -- a tube turner - you know that clever little wiry thing with the hook on the end. I wrangled that behind the drawer and ... dang it - I dropped it back there as well. 8-( (I wonder what it costs to replace one, these days?)
OK, next greatest idea, I have a small vacuum cleaner for small areas, that one hooks up to the big vacuum. That should do it. I was smart and did NOT put any fancy attachment on the hose head - didn't want THAT to get lost too. Fiddle, fiddle, uhhhh what the heck - the dang thing came unattached at the other end and now THAT's behind the drawer. Ain't no way that drawer even comes close to closing now. And to add insult to injury, I'm going to have to ask for help!
That cabinet is made well - I cannot find any way to open it. Finally decided to empty it ALL - you know, all the junk that we keep, 'just in case'. It ALL had to come out, all the threads, fortunatey the thread drawer was neat and in baskets. DH and I turned the cabinet upside down (it's HEAVY!) and finally found 4 large screws holding the bottom on. Out came those screws and voila, there is my black/white 'moo' cow fabric, a yard of smashed interfacing, my tube turner and the vacuum hose. 8-)) My Mother would say, "That's what you get for being so messy!"