Last long weekend I drove to Denver to 1) visit a GF I've not seen in 45 years, 2) visit my brother and SIL in Broomfield, 3) visit Quilt Fest, 4) visit my brother and SIL new farm and new/old house in southern Colorado, and 5) return home in a snowstorm/blizzard. The last part was unexpected!
Quilt Fest was overshadowed by my enthusiasm for my SIL to see what happens at a Quilt Fest - I barely spent any $$$. She has asked me to make her 2 quilts for their new/other house in southern Colorado.
Farm photos show some serious drought situation. Photos here are generally of little interest to anyone but family members but the DRY situation is amazing!!!
And there is one photo of an interesting 9-Patch quilt seen at Quilt Fest, made my favorite way, making the block and then trimming or cutting, to invent a new layout. I'll have to make this one, soon, I hope.
That is white sand off in the distance.
Red mountain at dawn, or was it dusk?
Farmer brother at his holding pond.
Windy, dry conditions - look at those dust devils!
Dave and Mary - new/old real farmers. Gotta have hats and cover-ups - the blowing stinging sand was merciless!
David walking his acreage.
When we were kids, our folks moved from Chicago to a small farm in Illinois (with 3 little kids and a baby on the way for gosh sakes!!!). We all loved that farm life but this brother, a retired engineer, could not resist the challenge of tomorrow, wanting to return to a farm in southern Colorado, using sustainable and green energy and renewable resources within his grasp. Mary is right there with him - she is a retired Art Teacher, and an artist through and through. They have embarked on this life with enthusiasm and determination. Little mountain snow, and climate change, for whatever reason, has not subdued their enthusiasm.