Sunday, June 13, 2021

Making Every Day Count

Being a widow - The title of this post, that phrase, command, order, suggestion to "Make every day count"  has kept me moving forward.   Those were my husband's words.  He was pretty good at being productive.  He also said  "One step at a time", and "Slow, Steady  Positive Progress".   Listening to his good advice has been a good connection with him.   He was a Manager and knew how to get things accomplished.  I'm trying to follow his suggestions and hardly procrastinating any more.   I've been in this new life as a widow for almost a year and half - don't like it much.  My solution has been to take on projects, update my home, clear out stuff, just stay busy, gotta stay busy, don't think too much, don't want silence, keep TV on 24/7, keep my body moving, clear out junk, throw away stuff, don't let anyone know I might fall apart at any time. But, in time, perhaps I might just manage.  Others do it, I can do it as well.  Now, that's my job.  I think my Robert is proud of me.

Home improvements were needed.  I've finished with the living room and FINALLY have a beautiful new "design floor".  To dress up the room, provide sparkle, and to "keep a light in the window" (in case my man returns)  I added this leaded glass table lamp.

Yesterday, I finished this kaleidoscope project.  Blocks finish at 6 in.  You've seen it previously.  Still needs a label.  Its about 70 x 80.

All quilted -- I was very choosy with my scrappy fabric values and believe they work successfully.  My plans for hand quilting went out the window.  Here is the quilting design in the border wedges.

And to continue to "STAY BUSY ELAINE SO YOU DON'T THINK TOO MUCH" I decided to begin  yet another sewing project, a quarter log cabin, on point.  I'm loving it!!!  I'm planning about 56 blocks.    


  1. OH Elaine, are so productive! I find myself doing the same thing...produce, produce, produce!! Gorgeous quilts, by the way!

  2. pretty situations call for new habits and traditions....even as a long divorced single, i do similar on 24/7, keeping organized, keeping busy etc...

  3. Elaine you are so brave. I love your post. Keep it up. If you find you need more to do, read. That's what I do. Not a widow, but an empty nester that just didn't find enough to do. So I read and review books. It helps especially at night, when I can't sleep.

  4. I'm proud of you! You're making great progress.

    San / Gypsy Quilter Designs

  5. I'm proud of you too. Who knows, you might be teaching me for the same role someday. If not, what you are saying is good advice for me even now as I'm trying to purge and not waste time. Procrastination is hard to conquer. All tips welcome! love and hugs!

  6. Your kaleidoscope quilt is beautiful! I have always been like your husband. Hate to waste time but I'm not nearly as efficient as you!

  7. Thank you for this post. You are showing how pragmatic one must be to keep going forward.
    My dad called "tractor time" his time to let his thoughts get him to where he needed to be--just enough work going on to distract and just little enough to allow a bit of wandering. I do the same with my "machine time".

  8. I'm proud of you, my friend! I pray that it does become more manageable for you.
    Your finish is beautiful. I love your kaleidoscope quilts. You inspired me years ago to get the ruler, but I have still never used it. :)
    Your quarter log cabin creates a really pleasing graphic design. I can see why you love it!

  9. Thanks for the laugh about finding granola and the thimble in cleavage. I don’t try to be on the go or productive all the time. But I don’t have the motivation you do. Your kaleidoscope quilt is lovely. And you did an awesome job with the color selection. Hope your many interests keep you making forward progress.

  10. You are so brave. I often wonder how the widows I know do it. I still have my DH and we will have our 59th anniversary in August. I have been married so long and depend on him so much that I would have a very hard time without him around. But your plan is a good one and necessary. One day at a time and making every day count. You have a good attitude and you are on the best path for yourself. And your quilt is awesome!!

  11. We are proud of you too. I know for me, I read your emotions and think someday I may have to recall what you've written and how you've coped. I guess staying busy will be my mantra too...

    You've made your home such a beautiful place! That lamp is such a treat to look at!


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