Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Log Cabin, on Point


Between  questions, investigating, not knowing how, getting a new roof due to hail damage, hiring tree trimmers, home insurance complications, health insurance, Air Link  (helicopter)  flight insurance, new heart-healthy diet, replacing a TV that was needed to help me "rest", redoing the studio to make it more usable, cardio P.T., and the usual home maintenance, I've been infrequently working on this Patriotic Log Cabin.  For whatever reason, I kept getting mixed up with "which row?" kind of slip-ups but today it's in order.   Sometimes, when making a row on point, the blocks don't appear to be in the right order until you lay it back out, and my eternal "too many jobs" got in the way of a calm approach.  But it's almost together, and I'll finish it at next All Day Sew.   For now, it's 56 " x 56".  May add a plain border.  I still need simple corners.  Yeaaaaaaaaa  !!!!!!!!!!!  

Recovery from my "event" is going along fine, and I'm dropping some needed weight on my new diet of "no fat, no sugar, no salt" and finding many suitable and tasty substitutes.  Mostly I'm not very hungry, totally unlike my previous self.   Cardio P.T is informative and an important factor for recovery.  My many years of exercising at the Wellness Center was for flexability and building body muscle but not heart muscle.  hmmm - be aware those are different.  I'm still learning.  


  1. Wow, Elaine, you have had a time of it! I hope you are finding comfort in the healthier direction you are taking yourself. And I hope you are rewarded for your efforts! (I wish I wasn't very hungry.)
    Your quilt top looks wonderful. Nice work!

  2. The quilt is lovely and you are too -- to be commended for all that is going on in your life and still being able to keep cheering yourself along. I cheer for you too! Change is never easy, even with strong motivation. Persistence and prayer -- you are doing really well!

  3. full plate indeed! yes cardio PT is a real eye opener...hard work but very worth it and life saving as well...good luck with the diet..took me quite a while but have a nice repertoire of heart healthy meals...and of course many high salt things have been totally eliminated...all changes very worth nearly 4 years post surgery got excellent cardio checkup report last week...

  4. You sound pretty busy! Good for you for focusing on your health. I guess I wouldn't know much about heart care either. I try to work enough of my muscles to keep my balance but that's about it.

  5. Oh my! Glad you are ok and recovering. Lori


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