Monday, July 01, 2024

Bucket List

Computer issue solved for now, camera issues might be solved, troublesome Security files were deleted, so I am hoping I can write a blog post.  Photos will not load.  8-((( 
One of the LAST of my to-do items on my Bucket List was accomplished during the previous week.  DH had always asked that his ashes be spread in a particular place, so that is what I've been doing.  I kept a certain amount to spread under my Birthday Tree at home in Nebraska.  ( DH had given me that tree 15 years ago, and it stands tall and beautiful. )   I had asked a family member to join me on a long drive to a location between Missouri and Arkansas to satisfy my man's request of years ago.  She not only agreed to join me but made some excellent suggestions to make it a memorable family experience to remember good times as well,  so we expanded the guest list, selected a beautiful  AirB&B, and spent a valuable week together.   We explored, mosied, walked, drove, fished, swam, caved, ate, and cried a little.    

Finding the exact location that DH had requested was not easy because I had misunderstood there is a  difference between a DAM and a CAUSEWAY, and a lot of years gone by meant everything looked different from what I remembered.   Additionally, heavy rains had made some roads impassable, and when finally we were getting close, the road itself was permanently closed off, meaning we had to make some last minute adjustments.  Young people among the group was very understanding of our grief, and respectful of the  occasion.  I could not have managed it by myself and am enormously grateful for this loving assistance.  A special rock was chosen from that special location for me to keep on my home mantle.  DH would be happy that I fulfilled his request.  

We had never traveled together with each other,  I was the old gal who might need some help getting into and out of the huge truck in which we had traveled.  We also stopped more often for my benefit to keep my ole body moving, which slowed down our arrival, but all in all, we traveled well together.  Additionally, my dratted cell phone had some improvements made by people more knowledgeable than I.  I was not sure what emotions I might have about the entire process, but overall, it really made no difference in my heart as he will always be with me.   I am pleased and satisfied we were able to complete his request.   


  1. You are quite the lady. Thank you for sharing this part of your life. Prayers and {{BIG HUGS}} from sunny Alberta.

  2. Thank you for sharing your weekend story...truly!
    It's been a long time since I've visited blog land, but I'm thankful to see you still active and I hope the frustrations of your camera can be resolved to keep you here.
    Thousands of hugs, dear.

  3. Hi Elaine, what a wonderful accomplishment with some to share the journey. Good for you. And I'm so glad you'll still be blogging. Do take care in this heat. San / Gypsy Quilter Designs


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