Friday, January 24, 2025

Minor adjustments to border width

  My packages (3 quilts) finally arrived at destination, safe and sound, but very much later than expected.  One less thing to cause stress.

 I always disliked the width of the border on this string quilt.

Me and my trusty Clover Seam Ripper made it better by cutting off about 2 1/2 inches all 'round.  Much better.    Yes, it's got a slight curve to it.  


  1. Hooray for the delivery! And you're now delivered of your anxiety over the delay. Your string quilt looks terrific!

  2. Glad of the package deliveries. Let's hope that (a successful delivery at all) remains the norm in the coming years.

    Your eye is good--that border looks just right now!

    I showed/donated my Rebuilt Log Cabin ( at the monthly Community First! Quilters' meeting, and received a flurry of interest. I've shared your tutorial link with the members.


    1. I was sure I'd commented to your Log Cabin. GREAT result - so glad you tried it - Always fun to see another unexpected try-out.

  3. What a fun and colorful quilt, Elaine. And good call on trimming down the border. Looks just right now!

  4. The narrower border is very nice.


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