If it hadn’t been for ALL of you, encouraging me to finish this little quilt that didn’t seem to have much potential, I wouldn’t have this lively little FINISHED project! THANKS! “You don’t know how it will look until it’s finished!” I almost didn’t follow my own advice!
It’s quilted it in a playful swirls, with bright “King Tut” brand, variegated #40, thread. It took a little practice on my Magna Doodle to get the pattern ingrained on my brain, but once started, I couldn’t stop. (I'm still practicing my machine quilting on my domestic machine. The heavy quilting tends to blend the many colors. This was a delightfully entertaining project to quilt, with each border quilted in a different pattern. The binding was finished tonight while DH was watching a too-complicated espionage movie on TV, and I was trying to spend some quality time with him. (Does that count as quality time?)

This little Mama dove is almost totally hidden, yet is 6 feet from my eyes. When I unfurled my quilt for the photo, she flew away - I felt TERRIBLE! But she'll be back, and we can watch her family grow.