I will never catch up on all your blogs!!!
I took a small sewing machine with me, as carry-on luggage, and managed to piece another quilt for my niece's adopted-to-be twin girls, who are about 9 months old now.
Incidentally, my little Janome Platinum sewing machine weighs 12 lbs, but if you take one with you as Carry-On, by all means put it on wheels. Twelve pounds starts to get very heavy very quickly. I kept it in a small wheeled cart purchased from K-Mart, (under $20.00) with a little extra room for my camera. I stored needles and sharp things in my checked luggage. The Security people had a laugh when they figured out what the thing was - I had the feeling they had not seen a sewing machine in their X-Ray (or whatever) machines.
This is Quilt #1, all finished and quilted. The gold stars barely show, compared to the bright red chain. The characters are Noah-like, each character cuter than the next. I DID use a creamy yellow rayon to quilt it, as many of you suggested. The red border was quilted with red thread, and I managed to leave pokies galore on the light backing. There was NO solution despite numerous tension adjustments, so I just gave up and figured a baby will not care. I made the blue plaid side borders wider to give it more size.

Here is Quilt #2, an entirely different color scheme, complete with one humility block that is going to stay as is! These characters are from "There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly" nursery rhyme. It needs to be sandwiched and quilted. Actually, the quilting only takes several hours. I expect to do it in loopy loops, just to keep it simple, and GET IT DONE!

And here is the Old Woman, with angel wings as she must be dead, after swallowing the horse, of course, and she has on little bunny slippers! LOL In another version of her, she has bunny slippers on, and the bunny slippers are wearing sunglasses! LOL

I will take these both to Show and Tell and next Guild Meeting, then mail them off. Can't wait to show you my NEXT project, partially started!
I have not forgotten obligations to several bloggers who have kindly mentioned me in their blog - be patient -- I've been busy! And a special THANK YOU to May Britt, who sent me something that is unfindable in the U.S. Now, if I could just figure how to actually retire, and still keep that income, I'd have time for MORE sewing!