Bad news for my computer as my technie says "serious problems." Hope I will soon return to blogging and using my own computer one of these days. Tonight I have to dig out all my installation disks - oh my, where are they all? And what am I going to lose? And what will I forget to even look for? wahhhhhh 8-( This experience is even worse than my dreaded VCR experience.
One good thing about NO COMPUTER is that I have time to actually SEW and QUILT! I am a firm believer in always a good side and a bad side to everything that happens in life. My Log Cabin with Cornerstones (top) is complete and looking good, and I have a Sizzlin' Strips ready to quilt, when I get the 'right' inspiration.
State Guild business brought me to several quilt shops in the East part of Nebraska, the most notable being Material Girl in Grand Island. Wow, is all I can say. Good thing I had a strong hand on my wallet -- that shop was almost overwhelming.
I CAN read my e-mail and comments from another computer, and I'm writing from a computer at the library - a first for me. Wahhh - the entire world of Blogdom is carrying on without me. 8-((
When this you see, remember me ....

I am a quilter - a retired widow living in the Nebraska Panhandle. I am surrounded by beautiful semi-arid ranch country, and treeless hills and fields under incredibly wide blue skies, located far from the upheaval found often in large towns or cities. I am blessed to have delicious time to quilt and to appreciate my peaceful moments in an unpeaceful world.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Danged Malware #2
In response to so many of you offering advice - I think I tried all of them with the exception of System Restore, but with so many impossible-to-delete messages clogging up my screen, and draining down my computer's memory I just could not continue with any instructions. And again, it was getting difficult to discern the real from the 'spoof' messages. Thanks to all of you for trying to help me. 8-)))
I will be without my computer for a few days. Darn it.
My techie said this pesty problem is very difficult for the 'regular' person to remove. He has seen it get 'past' Norton, AVG, and McAfee (lucky me - NOT!) And because it attaches itself to so many files, a person trying to fix it by herself/himself is often confused by the multitude of windows popping up, not knowing which is real and which is the malware -- just like I thought.
Incidentally, from what I have learned, there really is NOT a Trojan, or Threat or ???, just this stupid pop-up window mess.
The removal instructions I read on the Internet were very complex, and again, with messages popping in and out, I couldn't possibly tell which I should follow and which I should ignore.
I had "Security Threat" messages from even Adobe! huh??? It sounds like my Malware could have attached itself to anything!
Happy Spring to all of you. Hope my problem is unique to me only. 8-)
I will be without my computer for a few days. Darn it.
My techie said this pesty problem is very difficult for the 'regular' person to remove. He has seen it get 'past' Norton, AVG, and McAfee (lucky me - NOT!) And because it attaches itself to so many files, a person trying to fix it by herself/himself is often confused by the multitude of windows popping up, not knowing which is real and which is the malware -- just like I thought.
Incidentally, from what I have learned, there really is NOT a Trojan, or Threat or ???, just this stupid pop-up window mess.
The removal instructions I read on the Internet were very complex, and again, with messages popping in and out, I couldn't possibly tell which I should follow and which I should ignore.
I had "Security Threat" messages from even Adobe! huh??? It sounds like my Malware could have attached itself to anything!
Happy Spring to all of you. Hope my problem is unique to me only. 8-)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Danged Malware!
Yesterday I received multiple notices from MS something or other, indicating Trojans, Malware, Viruses, security threats were in the process of attacking my computer. The windows look official, but they are not. I keep my Anti-Virus protection up to date, yet all these windows threatening me with viruses keep popping up, eventually making it impossible to even GOOGLE the subject to find out what was happening. In the end, my computer is STOPPED and overloaded with offers, warnings, threats! DH and I spent another hour today trying to download one free something or other (Doctor something or other) to scan it, but in the end, I had to purchase it to eliminate the threats. Yes, the SCAN was free, the ability to eliminate it was NOT FREE. The free scan did show various problems, trojans, threats, etc. (if THAT was real, who knows?) I chose NOT to purchase anything.
Caution: It is difficult to interpret if the warnings are your 'real' warnings or the 'fake' warnings.
THE NAME OF THIS PROBLEM IS "MS Spyware Protect 2009". Even the name is a joke. grrrr. From what I could learn, the only thing it's trying to do is get you to buy their product. I don't think there is a real trojan or whatever those programs are, but the irritation, and inability to navigate leaves you furious.
So, even now, I see pop-up windows, showing up that I cannot eliminate, slowing everything down. I downloaded the latest windows and antivirus updates, but there was no improvement. Therefore, if this happens to you, at least you have a bit of forewarning. I'm sorry I have no solution at this time.
I am receiving mail OK, but those danged windows keep blocking the view, and they won't go away!
Monday, I am calling my server for suggestions.
Caution: It is difficult to interpret if the warnings are your 'real' warnings or the 'fake' warnings.
THE NAME OF THIS PROBLEM IS "MS Spyware Protect 2009". Even the name is a joke. grrrr. From what I could learn, the only thing it's trying to do is get you to buy their product. I don't think there is a real trojan or whatever those programs are, but the irritation, and inability to navigate leaves you furious.
So, even now, I see pop-up windows, showing up that I cannot eliminate, slowing everything down. I downloaded the latest windows and antivirus updates, but there was no improvement. Therefore, if this happens to you, at least you have a bit of forewarning. I'm sorry I have no solution at this time.
I am receiving mail OK, but those danged windows keep blocking the view, and they won't go away!
Monday, I am calling my server for suggestions.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
More snow pictures, and Log Cabin border

Now, look in his back pocket -- do you see why I take good quilts off the bed? That is the most humongous screwdriver - some of us have been talking about such dangerous items left in back pockets! (used to unclog the chute) Sometimes it stays in that pocket, when he returns to the house and sits on the bed/quilt to remove heavy snow gear!
I've taken this photo (below) several times, a drift that shows up close to the
neighbor, but I just LOVE all the LINES!

My Log Cabin border (below) HAD to include the cornerstones. They MUST meet correctly at the corner, and at the center of each side -- time for graph paper. Centers of each border may be 'off' but they must be symmetrical. I'm sewing chunks at a time, and spreading the colors out somewhat evenly among the four sides. Close up my eye sees the individual strips, but from a distance, all those colors blend to look like woodsy shadows - my intention. I LIKE it, but it's taking a long time to put together - those are one inch strips. The quilting will further help to blend the strips.

Saturday, April 04, 2009
Fashionable Shoveler

What the photo does not show is that it is blowing about 35-40 MPH. I do NOT own appropriate blizzard clothing (hat) that would hold up to that blowing snow, so I grabbed that fashionable chapeau to keep my head from blowing away. Shoveling in heavy wind is kinda foolish, but the fresh air felt good. Temp was about 25, and there is 8-12 inches on the ground. All this part of the state is shut down, I-80, the main Interstate across Nebraska is partially shut down - yes, large gates getting onto the Interstate are closed so you cannot get ON the Interstate. Our planned evening entertainment, provided by Carnegie Arts Council, has been cancelled. I am sure it is much worse north of us in South Dakota. This is the season when calves are born, so bad weather is very serious for the ranchers.
A kind (but unknown) neighbor, shoveled/snow-blew the walk for our entire block. 8-)) Some mornings, when it has snowed, the snow blower owners try to get out earlier than the next guys -- kinda funny to hear all the equipment firing up -- reminds me of the "Conga Line" in the movie Airport! LOL
This moisture is very much appreciated, even if inconvenient.
Happy Saturday!

Yesterday, and today. The snow finally arrived - so far about 5 inches -- it's blowing, not too cold, but beautiful. We definitely want the moisture, and I am begging DH NOT to fire up the snow blower which totally destroys the beauty. It will most likely melt off tomorrow, but for today, I want to enjoy the view.
I'm looking forward to watching Fons and Porter - hopefully it will not be a re-run, then a few hours of sewing with NO distractions - no driving - no calls - no errands. I want this day to myself.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Wretched Technology

THE BEAST – my enemy. My throat is constricting even as I look at you. My blood pressure is going up. You and I don’t communicate with each other – the words on your ugly body are unreadable without my occasionally-needed magnifying glass I keep near my sitting corner. When I look at you, I am filled with hate and loathing. When you refused to understand what I requested, I tried to murder you – I threw you across the room – your innards were left strewn under the dining room table, but you didn’t die. A sympathetic resident of my house put all your nasty parts back inside the proper places in your horrid little body.
Dear XXXXX (fill in the blank):
For a while, we noticed the old TV acting peculiar ... my greatest fear was not that the TV was nearing the end of it’s life, the big fear was ... the new Remote Control that comes with the new TV!

I am not a fool, my IQ is respectable, am knowledgeable and skilled in the use of numerous computer programs, have owned and installed a number of computers over the last 25 years, have a college education, am usually and currently currently employed, have worked in the fields of Engineering, Architecture, and Nuclear, have dabbled in computer languages. So, why are my needs ignored by Technology Industry? I am officially a Senior Citizen, but ... am I dead? Do I not spend my paycheck on useful items? What’s wrong here?
Do I ask for help from the TV manufacturer? Fat chance - they have planned their own non-identity. Do I ask for help from the TV Salesperson? – I tried - they don’t know – they just sell the equipment – or from the delivery guys? – the guys with muscles and butt cracks showing? or from my Satellite dish folks? or do I just complain to anyone out there in Blogland? I should just give up TV – that might be a GOOOOOD solution – but I still want to re-watch all my carefully recorded video Quilt Show programs, and VCRs/DVDs and Public TV.
Do I need this agitation and distress? Do I want this issue to cause discord between my spouse and me – he has no better solutions and much less patience! Originally, I was unable to even turn it on. I am left with the feeling that I must be stupid, I must have a mental handicap, I must be mentally challenged, too old, brain deficient. Should I just go back to bed and wait for the Grim Reaper?
Elaine Adair
cc: AARP
cc: Furniture company who sold me the TV
cc: Satellite dish company
cc: Local cable company in case I want to switch from satellite back to cable.
cc: Mom
P.S. I wrote this some time ago, and was so distressed that I couldn’t post it at the time. Things have since settled down, and I have solved this particular problem. And do you know who gave me the answers? Yep, a quilter!
P.P.S. My VCR/DVD player is now eating my tapes. Time for another dreaded piece of equipment! This may be the last straw!
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