This one rapidly became totally 'out of control' - I pushed past the limits, color/valuewise - hence the name, "Federal Budget"! It became so 'out of control' it appears I sewed some blocks in the wrong place but cannot follow my own logical arrangement plan, so left them alone. It WAS driving me crazy - I won't go in the direction again of "total freedom" again. (Hey, that also is not a bad name!)
I'll try this pattern one more time, totally blending my values from light to dark, a design that is visually calming. That plan was where I started in the first place, about 6 Kaleidoscope quilts ago!
I found a neutral soft gray thread that blends nicely for quilting. While I'm not thrilled with the overall busy design, I CAN say, "it's very interesting."
On another subject, last night I returned from a 2-day drive East, across Nebraska and back, for a State Quilt Guild meeting. The drive was pleasant, with good company, an unexpected meeting at McDonalds with another member I didn't know well, about midway (who surprised me by quoting my blog!), and overnight stay with another gracious member, a tour of her beautiful, quilt-filled home, an official meeting, and back across the state again, with one quilt-y stop at a lovely shop in York, and back again, arriving home for bedtime! Whew - I am weary today! That's about 15 hours of driving (oh yes, and talking most of the time! Talking a mile a minute kept both of us from getting sleepy!
Back to the chiropractor tomorrow. I'm moving slowly, but moving. The time involved with adjustments, crashing and long naps after adjustment, definitely impacts my quilting time, dang it. 8-((( And I must admit to a few hours of self-pity, depression, and "poor me's".