Monday, August 19, 2024

Pineapple in Purple

 Once again, I am unable to view, transfer, copy, or even FIND my photos.  My camera is  working fine, I have a new camera battery and I've taken photos of latest quilting creations.  However today, my photos won't download from the thumb drive, the method I've used for years and automically and smoothly transferred so nicely.   Nothing happens when I click on Settings/Photos, the method I previously used.  I am so downhearted at this turn of events.  I accidently "found" the photo files on the computer with File Explorer, but all is now so confusing and discombobulated.  Instructions are waaay to complex.  Previous efforts were occasionally usable, but only with "good luck" - not with any special techniques.  The "gallery" that was so clever and usable and stored all my photos must have been an "app" that is gone, or ????   

To whomever has caused all these "improvements", this is not fun any more.


  1. Unfortunately I find that when my computer downloads updates, things change. I used to be able to click the photos I wanted to post, but now it takes me to another screen that says "browse" so I need to look at all my pictures to find the most current. I hope you can find the answer to your problem.

    1. Not sure if this helps you, but I ALWAYS have the time and date set on my camera, or my photos go ... somewhere in time. Wish we could all do our blogging from one giant room where we could share new ideas and tricks. I've packed up my computer and will get it to the "hospital" when they open - I think the issue is the "app". Also wish I was not so dependant on the technology of saving my photos - kinda scarey I let it control my life - I said I'd never let it happen. 8-((

  2. I'm so very sorry to hear of this Elaine. I often suffer the same conundrums. Is there anyone in your extended family who can offer assistance.

    1. Computer will be packed up tomorrow for a trip to Computer Hospital. Looks like the photo gallery "app" is the issue. I made things worse by trying to fix it, since I don't know anything "techie". Jeeesh, I have a beautiful Purple Pineapple all finished and quilted, and no one to see it!

  3. Glad to hear that your computer is going to the doctor. Are you running Windows 10, 11 or what? I got so fed up with Microsoft always changing things that I bought a Mac about 7 months ago. A learning curve but it is not like MS doing changes without me wanting them. Hope your techie person is patient and gives you all you need to do what you want to do!

  4. How frustrating for you, Elaine! FWIW, I abandoned a camera long ago. I use my phone. The pictures automatically transfer to Google photos.


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