Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cry Baby Me

Wahhhhhh! Hey - a lot of things get past me on this Internet, but I have been closely watching my blog "counter" as it reached 170,000. When it reached that number, my interests were geared in another direction, and I forgot about it for a time.

Now I look and the number is SMALLER than it used to be and when you click on the symbol, it goes to another, new location, obviously some kind of tracking/advertising site.

Now, I know we can't have everything our own way since this activity is free, but ... at least they could keep the same number on the counter! I was kinda proud of that milestone.


  1. how could it even get smaller??? :S

  2. Call me a geek, but I use two different services. Google Analytics and Sitemeter. Both are free.

  3. Elaine I had the same thing happen on my blog!!! Not only was my number smaller, but on my thrifting blog the number was 1,000 bigger!!! Now I know I have not had that many visit my new blog site. Wonder if it was just a fluke to the site reading system. I was able to go into my gadget and correct the number on my quilting blog, but not on the thrifting blog ??!!?!? Go figure?

  4. Well that's not even nice at all! Good to read Paula's comment about having different counters set up. But don't forget, you've built it and we're coming!!!

  5. hhhnnmmmm...that is odd....my sitemeter was acting up earlier....

  6. Me too! My number went way down and I have no idea what it should be... but mine is fun because it does show that I have readers from 95 countries - I like the country reader! Cheers! Evelyn

  7. Anyway you look at it - way over 150,000 visits shows a lot of people are wandering your way! And you give us the goods, too - beautiful quilts to look at and interesting tidbits from your life. You keep blogging and we'll keep visiting - no matter what the counter says.


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