Ok, I'm ready to show the Before and After of my room improvements. This room is barely 12' x 12', and in the basement. It's dark, dreary, horrible.
Crummy photo of 2 of the 3 windows. They are high, hard to open, as they have been painted shut! The windows pivot open into the room, presenting another decorating challenge. The walls are painted dingy yellow.

Before -

Nice huh?
Below - is part of the closet (under demolition) that had been built INTO the room - it had absolutely NO finesse - UGLY!!! -- out it came! We condemned the carpet, but look at the floor tile -- pretty snazzy in it's hey-day!
Below are the walls after the closet was out. The walls had to be texturized to 'match' the other walls. And we had to scrape, claw off old surface that had been water damaged because of a gutter pointing the wrong way! There was evidence of mildew - black stuff. Then all was painted with KILLS, then primered twice, before painted 2 coats. That green color was old paint from years ago.

After the ceiling was removed. We also added more insulation to the outside walls.

And AFTER!!! New ceiling, brighter light fixture, and the furnace vents are enclosed.

Next, the corner where that closet had been -- I had looked and looked for months for a 1)white dresser, 2) with curves, and 3) low. I'd almost givin up, and one day after work the neighbor next to the parking lot was having a garage sale and here it was! $75.00, and they delivered it! Happy Day!

This recently-finished Pineapple Blossoms is PERFECT in this room, with pillowcases to match. The headboard is in the garage, still undergoing upgrades (brass curved, old, need paint removed and repainted). I could have plumped up the pillows to make it look better! 8-)))

And my best part, a home for my lovely rocking chair that had NEVER found the 'right' place for 20 years. Windows now actually open, the new carpet is wonderful, bright and light. I am so pleased with the end result. I still have a bedskirt being made by a friend and will order a lamp for the bedside. The walls are painted a spring green, light and airy. Behind the chair is a quilt ladder DH made for some of my projects. (The Jacob's Ladder is made with 6 in. blocks, and hand quilted.)

Thank you so much for your work, John S. I am so pleased. We couldn't have done it without you.