Tuesday, June 23, 2020

WELCOME banner

This is all crumb piecing.  What FUN to sew it all together and have it end up kinda cute!  Didn't take long and I DID concentrate on these colors, all from the trash basket.  There is hand quilting around the letters.  The letters are outlined with black machine blanket stitches.  On the back corners, I sewed triangles into the binding, and inserted a short little dowel for hanging ease.


  1. Very cute! A great way to use up the bits and bobs!!

  2. I love it too! You could sell this easily... make a bunch of them and try it??

  3. It really looks wonderful, Elaine. Good for you!

  4. Love it. And a great way to use some scraps, my scrap box is never ending.

  5. Triangles! So much easier than a sleeve--thank you for that tip!

  6. Such a cute banner! I love it. How big is it? Congrats on this cute finish. ;^)

  7. This such a nice WELCOME banner and a great way to welcome someone.Vero Beach Tutoring I will make this one to give it to my friends


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