Friday, September 25, 2020

Tried to pay the toll in Illinois - warning - a RANT!

I've never had a library fine, no tickets, no accidents, but due to unexpectedly ending up driving on an Illinois Tollway, I missed one unmanned (!) toll, and drove thu another unmanned (!) toll which had money/credit card slots and baskets taped shut.  I had been prepared for emergencies with a basket of quarters, just in case.  I won't mention my Nebraska plate, no Transponder Pass on my windshield, heavy traffic speeding at 80 mph, and I didn't want to be on this xxxx tollway in the first place.  (And, I usually drive in a town with just 5 traffic lights.)

10 days later, recovering at home from vacationing,  I remembered to rectify this error and went on-line to determine how to pay for 2 tolls.  My Illinois friend who is visiting me also assisted my efforts, and both of us assumed this would be a short, but tedious venture, and my honest nature insisted this was the way to go.  This is a normal oversight and Illinois has kindly (?) offered multiple pages on line to assist.   After much information-overload, and assurances of "EASY", my patience came to an end.  I no longer enjoyed hearing helpful information, encouraging patience from my dear friend who is offering assistance.  Two and a half hours later, needing new passwords, opening accounts, warnings of "didn't match",  enter your mobile cell phone (the WORST, trying to get that to "take"),  I'd had enuf, and slammed my computer closed, and checked the frig. for old wine.  My friend and I are still speaking.  

I think I'll receive an invoice, possibly with a fine, or fee or who knows what.  This was really one of the most aggravating experiences I've had.  

My sewing machine is beckoning me.    


  1. Thank God for sewing machines!

    Been there... Not a toll, but those government and 'official' websites are really scary - if this is the best they can with our tax dollars, I feel like sending at least two of my grandchildren to show them how to do an "easy" web page!

    If they have "contact" info, file a complaint. Who knows - someone might take is seriously. SIGH!


  2. They will send a bill. I have had several send one with a "delinquent fine" claiming they sent a bill prior (KY/IN border) call them and fight it. Most toll plazas are unmanned and are trying to get money any way they can. No, its not fair but so far I have been able to have them removed.

    Good Luck!

  3. Glad you could get it resolved. I had a rental car in metro DC last summer. I was trying to get from the airport (car rental) to Manassas National Park. GPS insisted on routing me on the Interstate which was labeled "EZ Pass ONLY." I knew that every Interstate has a parallel U.S. highway but it took a while for me to figure out how to get on that highway (and, oh, yes, which direction to go.) Whew. Then the local friend whom I visited said that the EZ Pass ONLY was just for rush hour.

  4. What a maddening experience! Makes a body just want to stay home.

  5. Oh I so hate doing any transactions online. All those passwords and I am sure I have dyscalculia (dyslexia with numbers) because I ALWAYS get one or two numbers out of order when typing them in. I HATE computers! (when I'm not blogging.)

  6. It's even worse when you have a rental car. When in Florida with my sister (she rented the car and was driving) she couldn't get to the toll booth because a huge truck was blocking the view of the sign and then it was too late to get over to it. Then trying to find out the rules, make phone calls, etc. She refuses to sign into an account and produce another password to add to the list! We love our smallish town. We do have more then one stop light, but they don't last as long as bigger towns and we avoid going to the bigger towns if at all possible. (I'm from Chicago and lived in Dallas TX 32 years, so we have been there and done that). My BIL lives in a smaller town and vows that if the traffic gets any worse, he will move again to get away from it!


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