Friday, April 03, 2020

Sewing Again - Garlic Knots, Border

I'm liking this border!  Using up scraps, but keeping them in a particular order, altho I'm not sure I'll have enough of all colors.  If I run out, it's doubtful if anyone will notice substitutions.   

 All the cleaning is done and ceiling and walls are repainted.  I'm still not sure of the new arrangement.  No pictures on the wall, and curtains not made yet.  Trim and molding are painted.  Finally I can access the (messy) closet easily.  All electrical is connected to the surge protector, and can be all turned on/off with one switch.  If the iron was left on accidently, the lights will be on, indicating I forgot.

 I can do cutting (below) here and also have access to business files.  One cabinet is turned sideways to reduce space  used by these cabinets.  I have a tall, folding cutting table in another room.  This is a small room - about 9 x 11.
The closet needs some attention.

If DH was here now, he'd be having an anxiety attack with the virus thing, and Dow tanking, and self-isolation.  Small blessings occur even with the worst events.  I am living my life, NOT sitting in a dark corner, not sucking my thumb, not boo-hooing constantly, altho I feel guilty about having good days.  I found his Christmas Card to me at the bottom of my messy purse, along with a Gift Card to my LQS, and he wrote, "Make Every Day Count", signed with his Smiley Face caricature.  He was a darned good man.  OK, now I'm boo-hooing.  


  1. You are doing good work here sharing your journey.
    May I recommend Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking.
    It may be a bit early for you right now, but in a few months.

  2. It looks like we are all making do. Cleaning and rearranging. It's okay to think about your loved one, and remember that he was a good man. Those are very precious memories. Ones we can hang on to even as we try to move on.

  3. You are strong, Elaine. We will get through the Corona virus! I traded up too, at the thought of your darling’s card. Hugs!

  4. It will not let me write teared up, which is what I meant to say!

  5. Oh Elaine, you are so brave to write all that you write and to share you feelings so freely. I read your post about all that you had to do to clear things out and I really don't want to do that to my husband or children someday (but I'm not sure he has like thinking). Thank you for the nudge to clear out when we can.

  6. like every trauma, it is a journey with occasional steps backward...just keep on keeping on and eventually the happy memories will be the norm....lovely border!

  7. That "find" would make me boo-hoo, too -- sending hugs for those moments. GOOD FOR YOU for moving ahead however it is possible. And hooray for that fun border taking shape.

  8. You are doing exactly what he wants you to do. He said it "Make every day count". Of course it is hard and there'll be some boo-hoo sessions still to come but in the whole, you are doing great. Look at you all organized and ready to drive that sewing machine full throttle. You are making every day count. Consider yourself hugged, my dear. You are great. ♥ ;^)

  9. Love that zipper border; it's like a big smile all the way 'round. Your newly done studio is so fresh and neat. I struggle with the 'neat' part in my sewing area. But in defense, I must say that working up the scraps seems messier than working with only a few large pieces, at least it seems so to me.
    What a wonderful surprise in the bottom of your purse. Thank you for sharing your journey, Elaine. It is precious to me to be included in this most personal walk you are on. Across the many miles, I'm sending best wishes and praying for you.

  10. Wow, you're way ahead of me. My sewing room was painted last March 2019 and I'm STILL trying to put it back together. Great job!


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