Cardio Physical Therapy -- yesterday I "graduated" from 3 months of disciplined Cardio P.T. to strengthen my heart after the heart "event" last August. The RN nurses were skilled and wonderful - I was waited on, fussed over, measured and monitored several times each session. and everything was explained clearly what was happening. I had been doing physical exercises for years but had concentrated on strength and flexibility of big muscles but didn't know about cardio strength exercises. I'm finished with the P.T., in better shape than where I started and all lab results are on the positive side, all parts within "normal" range. Funny thing, they were all in "normal" range before the heart attack, now they are just better. Nothing of interest or alarm was shown, either before or after the attack - Have no idea what that proves or disproves, only that I am in decent shape. The stent is doing its job. I lost 20 lbs on this Heart Diet for all the right reasons, and will try to continue because it feels wonderful to be in looser clothing. I guess it means a heart event can happen to anyone. Please, pay attention to odd happenings with your own body.

I am a quilter - a retired widow living in the Nebraska Panhandle. I am surrounded by beautiful semi-arid ranch country, and treeless hills and fields under incredibly wide blue skies, located far from the upheaval found often in large towns or cities. I am blessed to have delicious time to quilt and to appreciate my peaceful moments in an unpeaceful world.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Patchwork Christmas Trees, REAL crumbs, everywhere!, Cardio P.T.
Cardio Physical Therapy -- yesterday I "graduated" from 3 months of disciplined Cardio P.T. to strengthen my heart after the heart "event" last August. The RN nurses were skilled and wonderful - I was waited on, fussed over, measured and monitored several times each session. and everything was explained clearly what was happening. I had been doing physical exercises for years but had concentrated on strength and flexibility of big muscles but didn't know about cardio strength exercises. I'm finished with the P.T., in better shape than where I started and all lab results are on the positive side, all parts within "normal" range. Funny thing, they were all in "normal" range before the heart attack, now they are just better. Nothing of interest or alarm was shown, either before or after the attack - Have no idea what that proves or disproves, only that I am in decent shape. The stent is doing its job. I lost 20 lbs on this Heart Diet for all the right reasons, and will try to continue because it feels wonderful to be in looser clothing. I guess it means a heart event can happen to anyone. Please, pay attention to odd happenings with your own body.
Sunday, December 05, 2021
Crumb Blocks - Can't make just one!
Marsha gave me a shoebox full of scraps about year ago. I put them together, aiming for 6 1/2 in. chunks. It was difficult to actually stop sewing little bits together! Lots of fun - I wish I'd not used the cornerstone in the sashing, but live and learn - those busy blocks like "plain" sashing better. This is about 44" x 58" It finished up so quickly, I already gave it back to Marsha. Go ahead, give this crumb block thing a try! I sorted the scraps into mostly red, white and blues.
Today, I'm making Christmas Trees, ala Jordon Fabrics, on YouTube. To make use of a nice clean, tidy area, I put up a big table in my family room -- now I can mess up that space quite well! Hope I get some Holiday items finished soon.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
At last, one job FINISHED!!!
What can this be? Surely, not a quilt project! I'm trying to get so many different "jobs" done, and have been unsuccessful at checking them off my "to do" list - seems like everything is NOT done, yet these homemade butterhorn rolls are done and delicious!
I am bringing the rolls (not a single burned one!) to dinner with friends. The pot holders will live in her house now.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Making Every Day Count
I'm still here, back home in Nebraska, after a 2500 mile road trip. Yes, I LOVE to drive. Part of my trip was to meet up with my High School GF who lives south of Chicago. After we arrived back in my home in western Nebraska and recuperated a day, we drove north thru Wyoming to visit Devils Tower near Hulett, WY. She had never seen "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", so I checked out that film from our local library and gave her a lead in for the Tower, with that space ship scene! Our drive north was spectacular, the stunning fall day was exceptional and the Tower was phenomenal. If you have never visited this site, you MUST put it on your bucket list. This is just one of many photos taken on my jaunt. We were respectful of Native American culture and left our own prayer strips.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Rocky Road to Kansas
This has been in process for a while - I can't remember how I made the string-piece units - probably on phone book pages, then trimmed to correct size using a template. During my renovations, and moving a lot of books, giving away stuff, replacing stuff and books, I dusted off Eleanor Burns quilt books, and perhaps used part of her wonderful methods. This RRtoK was machine quilted on a Janome MC6500 that almost always works wonderfully. My favorite thread is silk-finish cotton Metler. I wanted to practice my ruler work . One more thing - no one ever talks about the Pressure foot and this time I adjusted it a lot until a good "sweet spot" was found when quilting backward using the ruler, previously a bug-a-boo.
Size is approx. 65" x 78".
Thursday, September 09, 2021
Log Cabin, on point, QOV?
The second border brought this Log Cabin up to 65" x 75", a better size if I decide to donate it to QOV. I think it's a little uhhhh "fussy" for a guy, and female QOV recipients are scarce. I'm not even sure I want to donate it - I'm liking it a lot! So, what do you think?? Too "fussy" for a guy?
Wednesday, September 01, 2021
Log Cabin, on Point
Between questions, investigating, not knowing how, getting a new roof due to hail damage, hiring tree trimmers, home insurance complications, health insurance, Air Link (helicopter) flight insurance, new heart-healthy diet, replacing a TV that was needed to help me "rest", redoing the studio to make it more usable, cardio P.T., and the usual home maintenance, I've been infrequently working on this Patriotic Log Cabin. For whatever reason, I kept getting mixed up with "which row?" kind of slip-ups but today it's in order. Sometimes, when making a row on point, the blocks don't appear to be in the right order until you lay it back out, and my eternal "too many jobs" got in the way of a calm approach. But it's almost together, and I'll finish it at next All Day Sew. For now, it's 56 " x 56". May add a plain border. I still need simple corners. Yeaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!
Recovery from my "event" is going along fine, and I'm dropping some needed weight on my new diet of "no fat, no sugar, no salt" and finding many suitable and tasty substitutes. Mostly I'm not very hungry, totally unlike my previous self. Cardio P.T is informative and an important factor for recovery. My many years of exercising at the Wellness Center was for flexability and building body muscle but not heart muscle. hmmm - be aware those are different. I'm still learning.
Monday, August 16, 2021
New floor DONE, a finished Quarter Log Cabin Quilt, Air Link flight.
This is the last big project for the year. Old carpet finally GONE, and new vinyl flooring installed. This is the family room.
Here is the larger part of family room, needing a 2nd area rug.
A quilt photo ... this one is probably my favorite of many.
Yes, this is my arm, totally black and blue after procedures following a catheter and stent, after the ER said was a heart attack. I think the right name is a PCI. I was whisked from the local ER to the Air Link Helicopter in the middle of the night, too dark to see a view, to a Cardiac Hospital 3 hours (by car) east of my home. Local hospitals can only do so much. We (me and crew) arrived in 55 minutes, squeezed into that amazing little beast. Frankly, I was so interested in the flight, I had no fears about the reason. By mid-morning Tuesday, I was in surgery, all of 45 minutes, and awake, and back home Thursday, thanks to a dear friend who came all that way and then drove me home, weak, but alive and feeling tolerable. The catheter and stent into my heart to clear out blocked artery kinda messed up my sewing arm for a while, but I AM RECOVERING! Drop me a line if you have other questions. You might remember an earlier visit to ER said Anxiety, but they did recognize immediacy the second visit. I am blessed to have had the foresight to get to ER in time.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Before and After
This was my "ruined" block yesterday, (previous post) carefully removed from the quilt top. sad day, and even worse, there were 6-8 strips of the same fabric in other parts of my quilt top. I couldn't take the chance of "will it come out after I finish the quilting?" I figured total removal was my only option. Happily, this happened!
Saturday, July 17, 2021
I messed up, or was it a blessing?
This scrappy half log cabin top is layered and basted -- BIG project. but it turned out well. Dig that border! My machine quilting plan was straight line wedges in each block. Great idea, and away I went with a full head of steam. The lines were long and my ruler was short so I marked those lines in the first 2 blocks with blue pen, an old standby. After completing 2 blocks of straight lines, my wedge quilting plan didn't seem so great, and I removed the quilting stitches and spritzed the blue lines, then went back to think about another design, while it dried. Uh oh, Good Grief!!!! I had forgotten the part about "testing". Here is the ONE disastrous block after I removed it from the quilt. The stain went thru the batting backing. The other one block fortunately did not contain that offending fabric.
Monday, July 05, 2021
Quarter or Half Log Cabin, on Point, and Anxiety
This project was fun to make and went together quickly. I even used the recently acquired 10 inch duo something or other Log Cabin trim ruler which surprisingly, became a well-appreciated tool. Fabric choice was using what I had, many already-cut strips, and even used some uglies, always sewing value contrasts. Sometimes the medium fabric was a dark and sometimes it was a light, and vice versa, depending on its neighbor. All of my strips are one size, altho the ruler included instructions for a narrow/wider option. In the below photo, lower left is the fabric for the float border. Yes, I'm a "brown" gal - perhaps farm memories?
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Making Every Day Count
Being a widow - The title of this post, that phrase, command, order, suggestion to "Make every day count" has kept me moving forward. Those were my husband's words. He was pretty good at being productive. He also said "One step at a time", and "Slow, Steady Positive Progress". Listening to his good advice has been a good connection with him. He was a Manager and knew how to get things accomplished. I'm trying to follow his suggestions and hardly procrastinating any more. I've been in this new life as a widow for almost a year and half - don't like it much. My solution has been to take on projects, update my home, clear out stuff, just stay busy, gotta stay busy, don't think too much, don't want silence, keep TV on 24/7, keep my body moving, clear out junk, throw away stuff, don't let anyone know I might fall apart at any time. But, in time, perhaps I might just manage. Others do it, I can do it as well. Now, that's my job. I think my Robert is proud of me.
Home improvements were needed. I've finished with the living room and FINALLY have a beautiful new "design floor". To dress up the room, provide sparkle, and to "keep a light in the window" (in case my man returns) I added this leaded glass table lamp.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Projects and more
Still here - just busy with projects, perseverance and a little procrastination. I'm yakking a lot today!
This kaleidoscope was supposed to be a hand-quilted project, a calming, introspective, thoughtful time of my life. Nope - wasn't happening. Problems with manicured hands and long nails, trying out a Grace stand-up quilting frame, no-fitting or lost thimbles, out-of-practice me, 10 thumbs getting in the way, running out of time, all happened, and this morning after another 2 hours of hand quilting and being unhappy with the result, I am changing my mind and will machine quilt it -- not sure of how, but I find it quite soft and pretty, with an amazing border, and the circles show up well, due to choice of values. It's a good size (about 70" x 85") and I want it D-O-N-E.
Below is a recent QOV presentation to a well-deserved Navy veteran. His wife was just beaming with pride. I donated the top, it was machine quilted by another and friend Tina did the binding. It turned out beautiful. Note the similar pattern to above kaleidoscope above, using a 45 degree wedge ruler.
It is laid out on my ta-da-da-da-da- daaaahhhh - NEW carpet/Design Floor! This carpet /living room improvement project has been on hold for 2 months due to various delays, but the end result was worth the wait. Wallpaper down, walls repaired and painted, drapes gone and wood blinds installed and a lot of corners cleared out! Another project almost completed - I just have to move all the chatskees back into the curio/china cabinets.
Laughing at myself - written several days ago.
I had spent hours basting a quilt, the Kaleidoscope, in prep. for hand quilting. Just doing the basting is a humongous chore in itself, moving the heavy table inside, wiping it down, setting up, layering. I gobbled down a handful of granola before attacking the job, not even bothering to put it in a dish. Got that unpleasant basting job done, gathered all my hand quilting tools, set up a little work table, used a big hoop I still like, found several thimbles, even tried the expensive $22 thimble, tried them all, but they all were falling off, rolling away, or lost in the pile of quilt in my lap. I am no longer thrilled with attractive long nails that Senior-hood has afforded me - they are causing finger fumbling! This job has now become tedious, not relaxing which was the goal. I spent another hour taping my finger, losing the thimbles as they rolled to the floor, or under the chair and finally found ONE thimble that worked the best, but then it also fell off and rolled ... somewhere. Moved furniture, shook out the quilt top, checked pockets, shoes, under the chair cushion, but eventually gave up with impatience. In frustration and impatience, I set that quilt top away for now ... hours later I felt some of that granola that I had spilled down the front of my-shirt and was feeling itchy and uncomfortable - dug around in my underwear ... I found the granola crumbles ... also found the thimble.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Monkey Wrench, and Carpet Order
These blocks were made a while back - I made the scrappy WELCOME banner from crumb leftovers, but finally the blocks are together and that kewl sashing is DONE! A border is in the making. Right now, this is 51 in. x 63 in. No plans for recipient yet. This 9 in. block is simple because the points are snowballed in the 3 1/2 in. square corner units. Do you call it a Shoo Fly or a Monkey Wrench?
New Carpet: I ordered carpet from the local neighborly supplier for my living room, AKA my Design Floor. Due to our remote location, we don't expect weekly or even monthly carpet delivery so I was prepared to wait. I called to check on a timeframe and was told "it has been held up due to the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal. " How bizarre can things get? It's almost funny but when you think about it, but hundreds of huge ships were backed up going in both directions. Other businesses are suffering the same issue. We tend to think everything is available all the time, don't we? and forget about the source of ordinary products. Guess I will revisit the carpet shop and go thru that tedious selection process again.
Thursday, April 08, 2021
Learning Every Day, and Interesting Fabric
I learned something new - With repeated difficulty getting a new blade on this seldom-used rotary cutter I discovered the little black washer has a squarish center going in one direction and roundish going the other way - ya gotta pay attention. OK, now it will work - I thought.
It was still so awkward - then I discovered the cutter can be used left or right handed and I had the blade loaded on the left handed side! Who knew?
My current project is a sampler, making 2 of each sister block, but separated, with one colorway on one side, the other colorway on the other. Book is called "Sister Sampler Quilts". A friend and I decided to do something together, in town, to feel a bit more socialable after being cooped up.
I already had a pretty FQ bundle of something - had never opened it, said Free Spirit on the ribbon, so I grabbed that to make blocks, not prepared for some of the fabric included in the bundle. Ya jes' can't use some of these fabrics for any ole project. This piece was the right overall color but look when I opened it up. Is this not amazing?
Happy Spring Everyone!
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
A second "Crumby" tote bag
Saturday, March 20, 2021
National Quilting Day, 2021
In honor of this special day, I put a few quilts outside for viewing by passer by traffic. Days like this, I wish a had a long, high fence in my yard to show off and honor our quilting passion. I just grabbed a few from the top of a stack. Have a great day!
The above much-loved 16 Patches and Pinwheels has been a favorite designs, ala So clever, so easy if you get the light/darks in the right places. I've made this design at least 6 times, most of them for kids quilts. This is a queen size, now needing a little repair, sorta like the old gate, that also needs a little repair.
Monday, March 15, 2021
A Crumby Tote Bag
Having fun - an easy project. It has a hard bottom insert, and is lined, all crumbs as you see. This was a Craftsy Class that I've been admiring, called a Grocery Tote Bag, by Christina Camelli. I must admit, that over the many years of making quilts on my own designs, I 've almost forgotten how to READ instructions, so used this as my "practice" project. It's about 17" x 20".
Like many of you who live in the central USA, our area was buried with the latest blizzard of storm Xylia. I am still shoveling, and also being grateful for neighbor teenager who refused payment for snowblowing. It's been a nice couple of days to stay inside and be glad I had a "stash".
Wednesday, March 03, 2021
Crumbs, TATW, Bargello, Puzzle Done
Pretty amazing what can be done with scraps and crumbs. Triangles were sewn in the back corners and I inserted a paintstick for a hanging dowel. I think the recipient liked it. I LOVE the crookedyness.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
More crumb blocks
At the last All Day Sew, I dug in my "good trash" and pulled out a bunch of fabrics. Some of my quilting friends looked uhhhhhh doubtful. They will see, next time we meet. Here are some of the panels, or blocks. Any size will do, any colors, but I kept the pieces mostly square or rectangular.
My letters are 4 inches, and after a review of Steam-a-Seam 2, this is the draft product.
The borders will be reduced as needed, land I'll do a blanket stitch around the letters. Then I'll layer it with batting and do a little machine quilting around the letters. I'll sew little triangles into the binding at the corners and insert a small dowel or paint stick for hanging. I've made this before and it turned out very well! Just think of all the phrases you could use! A kids name, "Gone Quiltin'", "Quilt Room", "My Space", "Happy Birthday", etc.
Because I am placing my cardboard letters on the back, sometimes the result from the front might not be exactly what is planned. Seams might not be where you wanted them, but you can always make another letter if needed.