My downloaded photos are going somewhere - I can't find them. No one needs these aggravations.

I am a quilter - a retired widow living in the Nebraska Panhandle. I am surrounded by beautiful semi-arid ranch country, and treeless hills and fields under incredibly wide blue skies, located far from the upheaval found often in large towns or cities. I am blessed to have delicious time to quilt and to appreciate my peaceful moments in an unpeaceful world.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Saturday, December 05, 2020
NQR - Unwallpapering, and home improvements
I've lived in this house for 22 years and had planned to remove this wall paper as the first home improvement. A friend about my age visited me recently and she said she used to visit in this house as a little girl, and clearly remembered the wallpaper! LOL So, that got me moving. Tried the hot water and fabric softener sprayed on the wall -- didn't touch it. A trip today to Menards and I came home with a wallpaper steamer gadget, and yes, it's working, but still a mess. I scored it all, with a "tiger" gadget, which makes little holes in the paper to soak up the moisture. It's taking 2 separate efforts for slow removal with a putty knife because every bit of wallpaper, so far, comes off separately from the kraft-type paper behind it, so that's double work.. Behind kraft-type paper is another very thin layer of something, white, some kind of coat - no one to ask, I'm going forward. That thin coat is staying in place in most spots but I'm not sure what it is. I'm sure there will be some sanding, primering, etc., before a final painting of this living room. I'll "call the man" for that job! I'm planning new carpet hopefully by June (another "call the man" job) so this pain in the patoot needs to be completed first. The wallpaper fortunatly does not go to the coved ceiling and is only on parts of the walls. Moving curio/chatzky cabinets will be another issue.
I laid down a plastic tarp, towels at the baseboard, brought a large tote to try and corral all the bits of paper. NOT pretty site, is it? Hope I don't get over my head. I covered the light switches in blue tape for safety.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Log Cabin QOV
Stay well and safe, everyone.
Sunday, November 08, 2020
NQR - Appliance Repairs - A Learning Experience
Dishwasher would not open - it had already run it's cycle and I was planning to empty it. Nope, would not budge. No way to open it. Handle just wobbles, ineffectively. Me? lots of boohoos, swearing, etc. Another unasked-for trial as a widow.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Green, Green Fields of Home ... ???
No green in this yard, due to heavy snow today! But I do have fond memories of early life on a small farm in Illinois. The early green alfalfa fields were a favorite, and especially, those pink/lavendar blossoms.
Here is my latest project - another "Pineapple, Green, Green Fields of Home"- I seem to be obsessed with them. I've used a lot of greens in the blocks -- notice there are 2 different block layouts, similar to 2 or 3 I've made previously. All the blocks are made with different fabrics, all scrappy, with the same light, slubby muslin. There are a few "odd" blue and/or gold blocks. Calculations on the inner border were successful, first time around, thanks to Gyleen X. Fitzgerald. I purchased her DVD from Annie's Craft, "Learn to Quilt With Scraps: Stash to Treasure".
Stay healthy everyone! Thank you Mom, for helping me learn to sew!
Thursday, October 08, 2020
Small Blessings to Brighten up the Day.
My previous post featured a quilt I'd given away and it's new home with a 7 yr. old great niece. I recently received a Thank You note from her. Look at her little quilt drawing! Is that cute or is that cute?
(I covered her name.)
The notecard itself was over-the-top dear!
Thursday, October 01, 2020
Road Trip and Home for a Quilt
I recently returned from a Road Trip that included a stop in northeastern Nebraska, then headed east across Iowa to southern Wisconsin, then south and AROUND Chicago to where my folks had their farm in Richton Park, Illinois, then I picked up a Girl Friend from High School in that area, and she came home with me as we drove west back across Iowa, returning to my home in western Nebraska for a very nice visit, then she returned by plane back to her home -- 2093 miles on my Odometer - I always did LOVE to drive! It is miraculous that all 3 of these destinations to visit friends and family could be managed with just ONE trip.
In preparation, I had loaded up one finished quilt, hoping a relative would give it a good home. Ya think this 7 yr. old great-niece likes it?
Friday, September 25, 2020
Tried to pay the toll in Illinois - warning - a RANT!
I've never had a library fine, no tickets, no accidents, but due to unexpectedly ending up driving on an Illinois Tollway, I missed one unmanned (!) toll, and drove thu another unmanned (!) toll which had money/credit card slots and baskets taped shut. I had been prepared for emergencies with a basket of quarters, just in case. I won't mention my Nebraska plate, no Transponder Pass on my windshield, heavy traffic speeding at 80 mph, and I didn't want to be on this xxxx tollway in the first place. (And, I usually drive in a town with just 5 traffic lights.)
10 days later, recovering at home from vacationing, I remembered to rectify this error and went on-line to determine how to pay for 2 tolls. My Illinois friend who is visiting me also assisted my efforts, and both of us assumed this would be a short, but tedious venture, and my honest nature insisted this was the way to go. This is a normal oversight and Illinois has kindly (?) offered multiple pages on line to assist. After much information-overload, and assurances of "EASY", my patience came to an end. I no longer enjoyed hearing helpful information, encouraging patience from my dear friend who is offering assistance. Two and a half hours later, needing new passwords, opening accounts, warnings of "didn't match", enter your mobile cell phone (the WORST, trying to get that to "take"), I'd had enuf, and slammed my computer closed, and checked the frig. for old wine. My friend and I are still speaking.
I think I'll receive an invoice, possibly with a fine, or fee or who knows what. This was really one of the most aggravating experiences I've had.
My sewing machine is beckoning me.
Monday, September 07, 2020
MORE Pineapple - "Green, Green Fields of Home"
Fast arrangement, a WIP - There are two block, set alternately. The alternate "O" rings do not show as I had expected. By including a light neutral around that central brick color of the "O" rings, it causes the eye to jump right there as opposed to first noting the diagonal design across the quilt. As in the past, I used Gyleen Fitzgerald inspiration and her pineapple ruler. While there are other good rulers, hers is clear and uncluttered. These are all 8 in. fin. blocks, and are greener in person.
(I was playing with filters, colors should be evenly darkened)
And again, this one from years ago, the center of the "O" block remain dark. BTW, it's finished, won a First Place, and is somewhere in a closet! I guess you can guess this design is a favorite!
Saturday, September 05, 2020
Pineapple, "Green, Green Fields of Home"
New subject:
Some of you are have asked how things are in my quiet home, following the passing of my dear husband. I'm doing well as expected and am very aware of my many blessings. There is a season for everything - he always said "Make Every Day Count" and I'm doing my best. I am eternally grateful for our years together, and now for my friendships, here in blogland, and in my "real life". 8-)) I am well and healthy, have friends, and feel safe and comfortable where I live. It's now my job to keep going forward and to live my own life as well as possible. Fortunately, I have this passion of sewing and quilting that always gives me pleasure. "One Day at a Time" . Even as a widow, I don't plan to disappear into dark places or sadness. Yes, I have my moments, but I also have my job to do, that is to continue to live a good life. Thank you all for comments or personal notes. All are appreciated.Tuesday, September 01, 2020
Lotsa Pink Strips, almost threw it out!
This one, shown previously, was a candidate for the trash basket - I was so disgusted. It had called to me "make straight, walking foot lines". Sounded good so I started straight machine quilting lines at the same angle as the triangles. One line looked lonesome, so I added a second straight line. The straight lines looked kinda overly structured, so I started curving them over each other. Elaine, just quilt some more ... uh oh, those curving, overlapping double lines now crossed over the triangle lines....., oh Elaine just quilt some more, and, and, ad nauseum, until half was quilted, UGLIEST THING YOU EVER SAW! OK, have some caffeine, put your feet up, turn on TV, and start pulling out the stitches. Yes, 3-4 days of removing them, keeping a few here and there to maintain where the pins were at one time.
I finished the binding with machine stitching on the front between the pinkbinding and the white faux pink/white striped fabric. Stitches are well hidden.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pineapple Pillow
My fingers have been itchin' to make Pineapple blocks. This time I'm stopping with just FOUR blocks for a 16 in pillow. Maybe this small project will relieve the itch! My goal was to use subtle values, and NOT white for background. I was amazed at what that orchidish fabric did for the foresty colors. ( I have to tilt my screen to see the colors more accurately.)
Monday, August 17, 2020
Kindnesses, and another kid quilt
Firstly, a HUGE Thank you to Candace of for her friendship and a beautiful gift that arrived today. She is a very gifted sewist as well as quilter and I am deeply grateful for her kindness.
Today, I finished this little girl quilt. I was inspired by a YouTube video from Krista Moser. I've been quilting many years but sometimes SOMETHING strikes your fancy, and her projects did just that. She's bright and fresh, and presents an excellent and well-presented video. The projects that I lean toward lately, are 60 degree wedges and voila, that's what she's doing in amazing new colorways.
My first idea was getting waaaaay too large, like I frequently do, but this time I stopped and took out 2 triangles of strips and 2 plain whites in each row - MUCH better.
Below is the "getting too large" version Seems like the white has taken over. While I dreaded removing and unsewing, I almost have enough left for a second quilt. Both these quilts were sewn in rows across, not diagonally. No problem at all. Seams of the block-to-block were pressed open.
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Kids Prints, I Spy
I was particularly interested in the setting and sashing of this design. The quilt made up larger than expected (like always?). It's 60 x 70". Good for toddler, perfect for an "I Spy". There are a few duplicates. My favorite block is a little dark haired girl with glasses - so cute!!!
I needed a little more width to the backing. Those are little spools on the back.
Saturday, August 01, 2020
Proof - REAL Crumbs!
I used spray basting to sandich the banner and had planned to hand quilt it. However, my needle refused to cooperate, I am guessing it's because of the spray basting product. Makes sense - it's sticky. So I finished the banner with machine quilting. You almost have to study the busy letters to determine what it says!
New projects: Over the last few days I have repainted the upstairs bath, washed everything that sat still, washed and rehung blinds, washed and painted cabinets, front and back, planned new valance over window, spackled in shower area, dragged in the big step ladder and washed walls and painted high cabinets. This unexpected burst of energy is totally foreign to me, but I'll take it, as long as it lasts! I called a friend before attacking the high wall washing, just in case of disaster!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
QAYG, and 6 months as a widow
Being a widow: I lived thru the 6 month anniversary of my husband's death by staying busy. Those months went by so fast - unbelievably fast! What a conflict I find myself. I MUST be at peace with his death and his terminal illness, but heartbroken he is not here. He left me a beautiful gift -- his very last words to me were loving and beautiful - I cannot ask for more.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Crumb Blocks
I stopped at the friendly H & R Block to let them know, and he said this is a similar story from many of their clients. Do I dare start a similar gripe about waiting for a stimulus check ?
Back to my quilting - photo due soon. Thanks very much for all good suggestions.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
NQR: Where is my tax refund?
Comments anyone, or constructive suggestions?
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
QAYG, Boys Quilt, and Guild Raffle Quilt
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
WELCOME banner
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Renovations, and Crumby Blocks
I think I'll chop up the leftover crumb blocks and make a border around each side of the banner. That leafy pink blue strip will likely have to "go". This is all experimental, but I'm having fun. The letters are about 4 inches tall.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
One Step At a Time
Friday, May 22, 2020
Quilt As You Go, in PINK, and a Hole in the Wall
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Blessings, and QAYG
This is the pinning on the back, with a folded 1/4 in. seam carefully folded and pinned over the previous sewing line. In almost all cases, I did NOT have to redo anything. I stitched in the ditch from the front, carefully, pulled the pins out from underneath as the needle got close. I would guess that each of us has our own version of 1/4 inch, in the ditch, etc., and I would advise a practice bit before you get YOUR measurements. My sashing was cut 1 in., and my backing sashing was a 1 1/8 in, and then folded over 1/4 inch., then sewn to the back These are MY measurements. Also, in previous QAYG, I carefully pressed those sashings neat and tidy and flat, whichever way seemed necessary. But this time I did NOT press and just let the kissed seam allowances kind pooch up when they wanted to. After all, this IS a child's quilt, and it IS machine quilted. NOT a masterpiece, just a nice quilt. I did NOT do any pressing of the sashing once it was sewn to the blocks.
The finished project should be ready in a few days. I'm liking it - not soft and sweet but pink and bold!